Membership Information

MASBA empowers school board members to be culturally conscious leaders for the advancement of the Latino/Mexican American community. We envision an equitable public school system for all. To join, please complete the MASBA membership intake form below. You may also check if your school district is already a member!

Who Is Eligible To Join?

MASBA membership is open to all public school districts! There are two membership types: (1) a District membership, and (2) an Individual membership. 

A District membership extends to a district’s entire board of trustees and superintendent. District membership costs are contingent on the size of the district. 

An Individual membership covers the membership for one trustee or the superintendent of the district. Only the individual with this membership can partake in MASBA programming or benefit from conference registration discounts. 

We also offer membership for Education Service Centers. This membership extends to the board of directors and ESC leadership. 

If you would like to schedule a consultation call to learn more about the membership and determine which membership type is best suited for your needs, please email our Chief Operations Officer at or schedule one now with the link above.